January 13, 2025
Virginia Business has named Creative as one of the 2025 Best Places to Work in Virginia.
Best Places to Work in Virginia, in collaboration with Best Companies Group, identifies and recognizes the best places of employment in Virginia in three categories: small employer (15-99 employees), medium employer (100-249 employees), and large employer (250 or more employees).
Best Companies Group determines its selections based on surveys conducted with the companies and their employees. These surveys examine company practices, programs and benefits, and overall engagement and experience through the employee perspective.
“We are a diverse team of creative, self-starting, and hard-working people working collaboratively in all that we do,” shares Debbie Lennick, CEO + Owner of Creative. “We are proud of the culture that we have created to foster an environment where people love to work.”
About Creative
Established in 1995, Creative is the region’s premier workplace interiors and technology provider, serving clients in the corporate, education, healthcare, and government sectors. Creative’s mission is to advance the way people live, learn, and work. It achieves this by combining deep insights into human behavior with leading technology, furniture, and architectural products to create inspiring, uplifting, and beautiful spaces. Creative is the area’s authorized Steelcase dealership.
About Virginia Business
Founded in 1986, Virginia Business is the only publication dedicated to covering economic activity and the business community in every sector and every region of the state.
About Best Companies Group
Since 2004, Best Companies Group has specialized in identifying and recognizing great employers to work for. Using survey methods, they are the authoritative expert in helping companies assess, enhance, and promote company work environments and cultures.